Dear 2012,
Thanks for everything you make in 2012, thank you for people hate me and thanks for a man who love me at 2012 even the man have a wife and a daughter also, and thank you for my all friends who love me and hate me plus remind me for everything i've done with a better or worst. thanks for company me when i sad or im happy..
Thanks God for believe me to live and give me a new life in 2013, hopefully i have a better resolution for this year, really i want it change for all. i want people stop jugde me as a bitch who steal a husband from his wife, stop judge me as a totally trouble maker for them. and please let people like me as i am.
Hay im just forget to thanks for my parents to give me and believe me, maybe im just a good girl in they eyes, but the truth in a people who hate me, im just totally bad girl. i dont know why people only judge me like that, like somebody say " don't judge book by its cover". maybe they just dont know who i am in good side, they just look me in a dark side, and i think its just ok to be hate by a people because i learn a lot from the people who hate me, i learn how to live with a people who have a different background, and a different mind.. maybe im just a girl with the open minded and flexible attitude plus im not bad thoughs about others.
The point I'm happy to pass the year 2012 with all the good and bad experiences, loving someone who not ever belong to me, hated by people who do not like, and especially have friends who love me and my friends are only good in front of me and keep talking bad things behind me, that's okay because I still love them.
And to my parents i always Pray for you both for a good thing and pray that maybe i meet a man who will be my future husband in 2013, as like your expectation and make both of you happy. I promise for my self be a good girl for my parents and make them happy like always. Thank you Mom and Dad for give support for everything like a song " My Parents Are Everything" .